Body Language in the Interview

How should you sit, act or just be in your interview? Although you'll likely be nervous, try to be yourself, as much as possible. Your face-to-face interview is your one opportunity to show the real you to your prospective employer, and may be the key to set you apart from other applicants. Also, keep in mind that sometimes the person who is interviewing you might also be nervous. Do what you can to feel as comfortable as possible, so you, in turn, can make them feel more comfortable.

In addition, "your body language should exude confidence. A strong, confident handshake goes a very long way. So do smiling, nodding and maintaining eye contact. Keep your voice clear and strong," suggests career coach Florman.

Cole-Jones recommends that you sit up and forward in your chair, because no one wants to hire someone who is "too cool for school." Also, keep your hands where others can see them. It's hard to trust someone when you can't see their hands.

Have a number in mind based on research you can do at the Bureau of Labor Statistics on salaries for similar positions in your area. Don't ask: "What are you offering?"

How to Leave the Interview

In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote that two great ways "to make people like you" are to "smile and remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sounds in any language."

Once your interview is done, address the interviewer by name, smile and offer genuine appreciation for the investment of his or her time in your future with the company. You want to leave the interviewer with a compelling impression of yourself, so remember to exude a blend of confidence, composure and dedication.

Empat Cara Menaikkan Karirmu

Ada empat cara untuk membantu Anda membuka lembaran baru dan mendapatkan grafik karir yang bergerak ke atas. Seperti dikutip idiva, berikut tipsnya!

Tetapkan target yang spesifik
Buatlah daftar target yang ingin Anda capai untuk tahun ini secara profesional. Misalnya, Anda ingin mengambil tiga proyek baru atau mengembangkan karir Anda untuk ke posisi manajer. Cara ini akan membantu Anda memfokuskan usaha Anda untuk mencapai target.

Update CV
Mungkin Anda sudah cukup puas dengan pekerjaan saat ini. Tetapi, bukan berarti Anda melewatkan peluang yang lebih baik. Maka dari itu, memperbarui CV Anda secara teratur adalah praktek yang baik karena Anda tidak akan melewatkan kesempatan untuk kemajuan karir Anda. Ayo segera update CV Anda!

Jika Anda berpikir Anda bisa bekerja sendiri dalam dunia kerja, Anda salah. Pada zaman sekarang jaringan sosial dan koneksi sangat dibutuhkan. Bertemu orang baru di departemen lain dan membangun hubungan profesioanal, sangat baik dilakukan untuk mengembangkan karir Anda.

Investasi untuk diri sendiri
Sudah saatnya Anda meng-upgrade diri. Mengikuti seminar, training dan berbagai kursus akan sangat membantu mengembangkan karir Anda. Kepintaran yang ditunjang dengan ketrampilan akan membuka peluang yang besar untuk memajukan karir Anda.

Things You Should Say In An Interview

Confuse about what you should or shouldn't say in an interview? We compile them for you, so here you go ... seven things you should say in an interview

1. I am very familiar with what your company does.
Letting a prospective employer know that you are familiar with what a company does shows that you have a legitimate interest in the business and are not just wasting their time. Do your homework before arriving for an interview. Check out the company website for information about products and services. Search for the latest transactions and pertinent business news.

Be sure to let the interviewer know that you are familiar with the newest company acquisition or the latest product that was just developed. Explain how your skills and experience are a perfect fit for the employer.

2. I am flexible.
Work environments are always changing. Prospective employers are looking for candidates that are open to change and can adapt at a moment's notice. In today's fast paced business world, employees must have the ability to multi-task.

Stating that you are adaptable lets an employer know that you are willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. This may mean working additional hours or taking on additional job duties in a crunch. Show your potential employer that you are equipped to deal with any crisis situation that may arise.

3. I am energetic and have a positive attitude.
Employers are looking for candidates with optimism and a "can-do" attitude. Attitudes are contagious and have a direct affect on company morale. Let the optimist in you shine during the interview process.

Be sure to always speak positively about past employers. Negative comments and sarcastic statements about past employers and co-workers will make you look petty. If you bad mouth your past company, employers are liable to believe that you will do the same thing to them.

4. I have a great deal of experience.
This is your chance to shine. Highlight any previous job duties that relate directly to your new job. If it is a management position, state every time that you were responsible for the supervision, training and development of other employees. Discuss your motivational techniques and specific examples of how you increased productivity. Feel free to list any training classes or seminars that you have attended.

5. I am a team player.
Do you remember when you were young and your teacher wanted to know if you could work well with others? Well the job market is no different! Companies are looking for employees that are cooperative and get along well with other employees. Mentioning that you are a team player lets your prospective employer know that you can flourish in group situations. Employers are looking for workers that can be productive with limited supervision and have the ability to work well with others.

6. I am seeking to become an expert in my field.
Employers love applicants that are increasing their knowledge base to make themselves the best employees possible. Stating that you are aiming to become an expert causes employers to view you as an asset and not a liability. You are a resource that other employees can learn from.

This is also a subtle way of illustrating that you have an attitude of excellence. You are aiming to be the best at what you do! This will let employers know that you are not just a fly-by-night employee, but in it for the long run.

7. I am highly motivated.
A motivated employee is a productive employee. Talk about how your high level of motivation has led you to accomplish many things. If you are a meticulous worker, discuss your organizational skills and attention to detail. Companies are always looking for dependable employees that they can count upon.

The Bottom Line
Remember that a job interview is an opportunity to sell yourself to a prospective employer. Be sure to slip in the right phrases to give you the best chance possible of securing that cushy corner office on the ninth floor.

New Job Skills You'll Need for 2011

As the new year begins, we're seeing a small sparkle of optimism about the recovering economy: although growth is slow, any growth is better than decline. Still, hiring is projected to be conservative for the near future. Whether you're one of the nearly 15 million unemployed Americans or you're simply determined to keep growing your career or business, having in-demand job skills is crucial. And 2011 is seeing the rise of some new job skills.

Versatile skills found in high-growth job paths recently published "5 Can't-Miss Ways to Get Noticed and Hired in 2011," in its Fall 2010 University Alliance catalog. The article showcased these five high-growth career paths for 2011:

* Project management
* Six Sigma
* Internet marketing
* Contract management
* Human resources